If your church is going through a leadership change, the staff does not need to be left trying to put things back together.
Every church needs to evaluate its current staff organization chart to ensure it aligns with the future needs of the church.
Your team members will thrive learning in a one-on-one and/or a collaborative coaching environment with other church leaders.
Fill out our simple FREE Evaluation to get started.
We'll schedule a FREE / NO Obligation consultation call.
You can select a plan listed below, or we can create a customized plan to meet your needs.
Now, you can rest assured there is a plan in place for your staff and your
Your team is facing new challenges every day, and there is no reason to go through this chaotic season alone! This partnership can accelerate the momentum your church is experiencing or bridge the gap between where your church is and where it needs to be.
The three affordable and effective services MRM and Associates offers (Leadership Transition Services, Staff Restructuring Services, and Church Coaching Community) will produce immediate results for your church. Our innovative ministry/business model sets us apart from other consulting companies. We have learned being focused on a couple of ministry areas can bring more value to churches than trying to do or offer everything.
Our team is the perfect blend of experienced full-time ministry leaders plus successful marketplace leaders. With this wealth of expertise and wisdom, MRM and Associates is ready to provide solutions to your challenges. If your church is in a tough situation, we will work to shorten the season plus provide relief during the process. When we are sick, we go to the doctor. They assess our symptoms, run diagnostics, and provide a plan to make us better. We are not medical doctors, but we will basically do the same thing. We will assess, diagnose the situation, and then come up with a plan, so your church gets back to normal as soon as possible!